Englischsprachige erlebnispädagogische Literatur

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Englischsprachige erlebnispädagogische Literatur


Diese Literaturliste ist nur eine Bestandsliste des Informationsdienstes Erlebnispädagogik und somit eine sehr subjektive Auswahl - die dennoch sehr hilfreich bei der Suche nach Materialien zu speziellen Themengebieten sein kann.

Ein Großteil der hier genannten Literatur können Sie über uns beziehen. Der weitgehend kostenlose Informationsdienst Erlebnispädagogik finanziert sich schwerpunktmäßig aus dem Buchverkauf. Bitte unterstützen Sie uns und bestellen Sie Ihre Literatur direkt bei uns.


Amesberger G./Schörghuber K./Krehan E.: "Youth and social work on the move". Vienna 1996.

Ashley, Frank B.: "Ethnic Minorities Involvement with Outdoor Experiential Education". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Association for Experiential Education: "1995 Adventure Program Risk Management Report". Dubuque, Iowa, USA1995.

Association for Experiential Education: "Manual of Accreditation Standards for Adventure Programs". Boulder, Co, USA 1995.

Attarian, Aram: "Artificial Adventure Environments". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Bachert, Delmar W.: "Historical Evolution of NOLS: The National Outdoor Leadership School". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Bacon, Stephen: "Paradox and double binds in adventure-based education". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Bartel, Wesley James: "A Focus group investigation of a wilderness adventure programme". Master Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 1996.

Beringer, Almut: " Understanding Moral Development and Environmental Values through Experience". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Boudette, R.D.: "The therapeutic effects of Outward Bound with juvenile offenders." (1989) Dissertations Abstracts International, 50/11-B, 5306.

Bowne: "How to use equipment therapeutically". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Braverman / Brenner / Fretz / Desmond: "Three approaches to evaluation: A ropes course illustration". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Bronson, Jim/ Gibson, Steve / Kirchar, Roxanne / Priest, Simon: "Evaluation of team development in a corporate adventure training program." In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.15 (1992), No.2. S.50-54.

Bunting, Camille J.: "The Foundation of Interpersonal Effectiveness". In: Journal of Experiental Education, V.14 (1991), No.2. S.39ff.

Bunting, Camille J.: "Interdependency: A Key in Environmental and Adventure Education". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Cain, Jim / Jolliff, Barry "Teamwork and Teamplay". Dubuque, Iowa, USA1998.

Cain, Kelly D. / McAvoy, Leo H.: "Experience-Based Judgment". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Cason, D./ Gillis, H.L.: "A meta-analysis of outdoor adventure programming with adolescents". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.17 (1994), No.1. S.40-47.

Chapman, Steve / McPhee, Pam / Proudman, Bill: "What is Experiential Education?". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Chenery, M.F.: "A sampler of qualitative research in organized camping". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.10 (1987), No.2. S.13-16.

Christiansen, Dale R.: "Adventure Tourism". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Clagett, A.: "Effective therapeutic wilderness camp programs for rehabilitating emotionally disturbed, problem teenagers and deliquents." Journal of offender Counselling, Services and Rehabiltation. V.14 No.1. S.79-96.

Clapp, C. / Rudolph, S.: "Building Family Teams: An Adventure-Based Approach to Enrichment and Intervention". In: Gass, Michael (editor).: "Adventure Therapy". Boulder, Colorado, USA 1993.P.111-121.

Clapp,C. / Rudolph, S.: "Building family teams: An adventure-based approach to enrichment and intervention". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Cline: "Apples and Onions". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Cockrell, David: "Outdoor Leadership Certification". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Cohen, Daniel: "Environmental-Values Education". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Coleman, James S.: "Experiential Learning and Information Assimilation: Toward an Appropriate Mix". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Conrad, Dan: "Reflections on Living with Respect: The 1991 Kurt Hahn Address" In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Corporate Adventure Training Institute (Hrsg.) "CATInate: A research update". Quarterly report. No.1-24. St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.

Costello, Phil: "Starting Your New Outdoor Program". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Cox, Richard H.: "Sport Psychology. Concepts and Applications". 3rd ed. Dubuque, IA, USA 1994.

Creal / Florio: "The family wilderness program: A description of the project and its ethical concerns". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Crisp, Simon: " International Models of Best Practice in Wilderness and Adventure Therapy: Implications for Australia". Melbourne, Australien 1996.

Crosby, April: "A Critical Look: The Philosophical Foundations of Experiential Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly / Csikszentmihalyi, Isabella Selega: "Adventure and the Flow Experience". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Cszikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: " Flow - the psychology of optimal experience". New York, USA 1990.

Davis-Berman, J. / Berman D.S. / Capone, L.: "Therapeutic wilderness programs: A national survey". In: Journal of Experiental Education, V.17 (1994), No.2. S.49-53.

Davis-Berman, Jennifer / Berman Dene S.: "Research Update: Two-year follow-up report for the Wilderness Therapy Program". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.17 (1994), No.1. S.48-50.

Davis-Berman, Jennifer / Berman Dene S: "Wilderness Therapy: Foundations, Theory & Research". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1994.

Dimock, Hedley: "Individual Growth and Organizational Effctiveness". Paper. Sir George Williams University, Montreal.

Dixon, Tim / Priest, Simon: "Analyzing the key components of Interpersonal Trust in a Multiphasic Corporate Adventure Training Program". In: Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership. O.w.A.

Drebing, Charles E. / Willis, Scott Cabot / Genet, Brad: "Anxiety and the Outward Bound Process". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Duffy, Karen G. (Editor): "Annual editions: Personal growth and behavior. 1993/94". Guilford, Conneticut, USA 1993.

Durgin, C.H. / McEwen, D.: " Troubled young people after the adventure program: A case study". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.14 (1991), No.1. S.31-35.

Durgin, C.H. / McEwen, D.: " Troubled young people after the adventure program: A case study" In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Egan, Gerard: "The Skilled Helper. A Problem-Management Approach to Helping". 5th Edition. Belmont, Ca, USA 1994.

Ellmo, Wendy / Graser, Jill: "Adapted Adventure Activities - A Rehabilitation Model for Adventure Programming and Group Initiatives". Dubuque, Iowa, USA1995.

Ewert, Alan: "Group Development Through Experiential Education - Promises and delivery". Proceedings of the 1991 Conference of the Association for Experiential Education. Boulder, CO, USA, 1991.

Ewert, Alan: "Professional Development Courses OPDP): A Case for Prescription Programming". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Ewert, Alan: "Research in Experiential Education: An Overview". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.10 (1987), No.2. S.4-7.

Ewert, Alan: "Research in Experiential Education: An Overview". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Ewert, Alan: "Research Update: Group Development Through Experiential Education: Does It Happen". In: Journal of Experiental Education, V.15 (1992), No.2. S.56.

Farragher / Harman / Bullard: "Like father like son: The assessment and interruption of maladaptive, multigenerational family patterns within a therapeutic wilderness adventure".

Farragher, B. / Harman, S. / Bullard, M.: "Like father like son: The assessment and interruption of maladaptive multigenerational family patterns within therapeutic wilderness adventure". In: Gass, Michael (editor).: "Adventure Therapy". Boulder, Colorado, USA 1993. P.179-187.

Faulkner, Rozanne W.: "Therapeutic Recreation Protocol for Treatment of Substance addictions". State College, PA, USA 1991.

Finch, Karen M: "The K.E.Y. Group - an experiential personal-growth group manual" Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1996.

Finkel, Donald L. / Monk, Stephen.: "The Design of Intellectual Experience". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Flor, Richard: "Building Bridges Between Organizational Development and Experiential/Adventure Education". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.14 (1991), No.3. S.27-34.

Flor, Richard: "Introduction to Research and Evaluation in Practice". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.14 (1991), No.1. S.36-39.

Fluegelmann, Andrew / Tempeck, Shoshana: "New Games - die neuen Spiele". Band 1 und 2. Mühlheim 1976 und 1991.

Fox, F. Earle: " The Spiritual Core of Experiential Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Fox, Karen: "White Awareness and Our Responsibility to End Racism". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Garvey, Dan / Vorsteg, Anna Catherine: "From Theory to Practice für College Student Intems: A Stage Theory Approach". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Garvey, Dan: "A History of AEE". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Garvey, Daniel: "A History of the AEE". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Gass, Michael / Goldman, K. / Priest, Simon: "Constructing Effective Corporate Adventure Training Programs". In: Journal of Experiental Education, V.15 (1992), No1. S.35-41.

Gass, Michael : "The Longitudinal Effects of an Adventure Orientation Program". In: Journal of Experiental Education, V.14 (1991), No.1. S.47-48.

Gass, Michael A. / McPhee, Pamela: "Emerging for recovery: A descriptive analysis of adventure therapy for substance abusers". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A. "Book of Metaphors II". Dubuque, Iowa, USA.

Gass, Michael A. "The theoretical foundations for adventure family therapy". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.(Editor): "Adventure Therapy - Therapeutic Applications of Adventure Programming". Boulder, Colorado, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.,: "Programming principles for successfully implementing adventure therapy". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.: "Enhancing career development in adventure programs". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.: "Enhancing metaphor development in adventure therapy programs". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.: "Enhancing Metaphor Developments in Adventure Therapy Programs". In: Journal of Experiental Education, 14 (1991), No.2. S. 6-13.

Gass, Michael A.: "Ethical principles 1er the therapeutic adventure professional group". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.: "Foundations of adventure therapy". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.: "Programming applications of adventure therapy". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.: "Programming the transfer of learning adventure education". In: Journal of Experiental Education, 10 (1985), No.3. S. 18-24.

Gass, Michael A.: "Programming the Transfer of Learning in Adventure Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Gass, Michael A.: "The Effects of a Wilderness Orientation Program on College Students". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Gass, Michael A.: "The evaluation and research of adventure therapy programs". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.: "The evolution of processing adventure therapy experiences". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael A.: "The theoretical foundations for adventure family therapy". In: Gass, Michael (editor).: "Adventure Therapy". Boulder, Colorado, USA 1993. P.123-137.

Gass, Michael A.: The future of the profession of adventure therapy". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gass, Michael/ McPhee, Pamela J.: "Emerging for recovery: A descriptive analysis of adventure therapy for substance abusers". In: Journal of Experiental Education, V.13 (1990), No.2. S.29-35.

Gass, Michael: "Adventure Programs in Higher Education". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Gass, Michael: "Transfer of learning in Adventure Education". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Gilett, Douglass P. / Thomas, G. Paul /Skok, Richard L. / McLaughlin, T.F. "The Effects of Wilderness Camping and Hiking on the self concept and the Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge of Twelth Graders". In: Journal of Environmental Education V. 22 (1991) No.3. S. 33-44.

Gillette, Ted: "O.T.O.- Opportunities to Teach Ourselves: A Classroom Community". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Gilliam: "What happens when ropes courses move from the woods the psychiatric treatment facilities?". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gillis / Simpson: "Project Choices: Adventure-based residential drug treatment for court-referred youth". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gillis, : "Annotated bibliography for the therapeutic uses of adventure-challenge-outdoor-wilderness: Theory and research". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Gladding, Samuel T.: "Group Work - A Counselling Specialty", second edition. New Jersey, 1991.

Goldman, Kathy / Priest, Simon: "Risk taking transfer in development training". In: Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership. V.7 (1991), No.4. S.32-35.

Gosenpud, Jerry: "Evaluation of Experiential Learning". In: Gentry, J.W.: "Guide to Business Gaming and Experiential Learning". London 1990.

Green, Paul: "Outdoor Leadership Preparation". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Greene, John H. / Thompson, Donna "Outward Bound USA". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Hammel: "How to design a debriefing session". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Hammerman, Donald R.: "Teaching by Inquiry". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Hankey, Joyce: "Using Experiential Principles to Encourage Reform: An Interview with Peggy Walker Stevens". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Heath, Douglas: "Teaching for adult Effectiveness". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Henderson, Robert: "Every Trail Has a Story: The Heritage Context as Adventure". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Henton, Mary: "Adventure in the Classroom". Dubuque, Iowa, USA1996.

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Hunt, Jasper S. Jn: "Dewey's Philosophical Method and Its Influence on His Philosophy of Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Hunt, Jasper S. Jn: "Ethics and Experiential Education as Professional Practice". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Hunt, Jasper S. Jr.: "Ethics an Experiential Education as Professional Practice". In: Journal of Experiental Education, V.14 (1991), No.2. S.14-18.

Hunt, Jasper S. Jr: "Ethical Issues in Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA1994.

Hunt, Jasper S. Jr: "Ethics". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Hunt, Jasper S. Jr: "Philosophy of Adventure Education". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Itin, Christian (Editor): "Exploring the Boundaries of Adventure Therapy - Proceedings of the 1st International Adventure Therapy Conference: Perth, Australia". Boulder, Colorado, USA 1998.

James, Thomas: "Change and Continuity in Experiential Education: A Case Study". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

James, Thomas: "Kurt Hahn and the Aims of Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

James, Thomas: "Sketch of a Moving Spirit: Kurt Hahn". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Joplin, Laura: "On Defining Experiential Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Jordan, Deb: "Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails... The Use of Gender-Free Language in Experiential Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Kelly, F. / Baer, D.: "Outward Bound schools as an alternative to institutionalization for adolescent delinquent boys." Fandel Press. Boston, USA 1968.

Kerr, Pamela J. / Gass, Michael A.: "A Group Development Model for Adventure Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Kimball, R. O.: "The wilderness as therapy: The value of using adventure programs intherapeutic assessment". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Kimball, R.O. / Bacon, Stephen: "The wilderness challenge model". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Kimball, Rocky: "The Santa Fe Mountain Center". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Kimball; R.: "Wilderness adventure programs for juvenile offenders". University of Chicago, ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 196 586.

Kjol / Weber: "The 4th lire: Adventure-based counseling with juvenile sex offenders". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Klingt, Kimberley Ann: "New Directions for Inquiry into Self-Concept and Adventure Experiences". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Klint, K. / Priest, Simon: "A qualiative research study on transfer effectiveness in Cat programming". In: Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership. O.w.A.

Knapp, Cliford E.: "Processing die Adventure Experience". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Knapp: "Designing processing questions to meet specific objectives". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Kolb, Darl G.: "When Is A Mataphor Not A Metaphor?" In: Journal of Experiental Education, V.14 (1991), No3. S53-54.

Kolb, Darl.G.: "Meaningful methods: Evaluation without the crunch". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.14 (1991), No.1. S.40-44.

Kraft, R. / Sakofs, M.: "The Theorie of Experiential Education". Boulder, Colorado, USA 1985.

Kraft, Richard J: "Experiential Learning". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Kraft, Richards / Kielsmeier, James: "Experiential Education in Higher Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA1995.

Laurence, Mike / Stuart, Tim: "The Use of Adventure in Reducing and Preventing Socially Deviant Youth Behavior". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

LefranV ois, Guy R.: "Psychological theories and human learning". 2nd ed. Monterey, California 1982.

Lehmann, Kate: " Connecting Ethics and Group Leadership". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Leroy, Erik: "Adventure and Education". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Lesperance, M.A. / Priest, Simon: "Time series trends and the effect of follow-up procedures on team development during adventure training for corporations". In: Journal of Experiential Education, V.17 (1994), No.1. S.34-39.

Loynes, Chris: "Development Training in the United Kingdom". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Lubans, John Jr./ Stuckey, Sherry / McNutt, Frank H.: "Going to the Woods: Widerness Experiences for the Organizational Good" In: CUPA Journal, V.43 (1992), No.1. S.11-16.

Lupton, Frank: "WEA History". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

MacArthur, Robert S.: "Habits of the Heart". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

MacRae, S. / Moore, C. / Savage, G. / Soehner, D. / Priest, Simon: "Changes in risk taking propensity resulting from a ropes course experience". In: Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership. O.w.A.

Malkin, Majorie J.: "Research in Therapeutic Recreation. Concepts and Methods". State College, PA, USA 1993.

Marsh, H. / Richards, G.: "The Outward Bound Bridging Course for low achieving high school males: Effect on academic achievement and multidimensional self-concepts." In: Australian Journal of Psychology, V.40 (1988), No.3. S. 281-298.

Marsh, H.W., / Richards, G.E. / Barnes, J.: "Multidimensional Self-Concepts: The effect of participating in an Outward Bound". In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1986). S. 195-204.

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Matthews: "Wilderness programs offer promising alternatives for some youth: More regulation likely". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

McAvoy, Leo: "Rescue-Free Wilderness Areas". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

McClaren, Milton: "Planet Saving: The Ultimate Adventure". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

McClellan, Hall: "In Our Own Words: Service Learning in Native Communities". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

McClintock, Mary: "Sharing Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Life Experiences Face to Face". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

McLeod, J / Priest, Simon: "What Corporations Learn from Rock Climbing: A qualitative study". In: Journal of Experiential Education. O.w.A.

McPhee, Pamela / Gass, Michael A.: "A group development model for adventure therapy programs". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Merse: "Surviving an outdoor adventure group". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". State College, PA, USA 1990.

MILES, JOHN C. / PRIEST, SIMON: "Adventure Programming". Venture Publishing, PA, USA 1999.  

Miles, John C.: "The Future of Adventure Education". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Miles, John C.: "Wilderness". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Miles, John: "Wilderness as healing place". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Miles, John: "Wilderness as Healing Place". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Miner, Joshua L.: "The Creation of Outward Bound". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Miner, Todd: "Safety Issues for Experience-Based Training and Development" In: : Journal of Experiential Education, V.14 (1991), No.2. S.20-25.

Mitten, denise: "Building the group: Using personal affirming to create healthy group process" In: : Journal of Experiential Education, V.18 (1995), No.2. S.82-90.

Mitten, Denise: "Healthy Expressions of Diversity Lead to Positive Group Experiences". In: Warren / Sakofs / Hunt (Editors): "The Theory of Experiential Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1995.

Moore, Gary: "Adventure Activities for School Children". In: Miles, John C. / Priest, Simon: "Adventure Education". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1990.

Nadler / Luckner "Processing the Adventure". Dubuque, Iowa, USA.

Nadler, Reldan S.: "Therapeutic process of change". In: Gass, Michael A.: "Adventure Therapy". Dubuque, Iowa, USA 1993.

Neumann, Jan / Mytting, Ivar / Brtnik, Jiri (Editors): "Outdoor Activities - Proceedings of International Seminar Prague ´94" Edition Erlebnispädagogik, Lüneburg 1994

Nilson, Carolyn: "More Team Games for Trainers". New York , USA 1997.

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